Robert Swan once said “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” As inhabitants of the earth, it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Throughout the years, Boholanos managed to preserve the Island's beauty through innovative ways of improving sustainability. Taking care of it like the gem it is with its beautiful scenery, white powdery beaches, crystal clear waters and its beautiful people. In which there is no surprise as to why Bohol is one of the top tourist destinations in the Philippines.
It wasn't always this great, Bohol has a history of "poor" waste collection and management. In 2003, with 48 municipalities, Bohol's garbage collection services only managed to reach 14% of households. Making the Boholanos not so unfamiliar with its struggle with solid waste.
Before reaching environmental deterioration, Boholanos took the initiative to change their ways in order to mitigate the damage caused to the environment they call home. Cleanups, seminars, tree planting, and proper waste segregation are some of the ways Boholanos did to give back to our mother earth. This drastically improved Bohol's waste management, to say the least.
Now Boholanos continue to fight through environmental struggles together, through their own little ways because small things, make big things happen. We now see a cleaner and greener sustainable Bohol. Future generations will witness the beauty every Boholano has experienced. Indeed it is every Boholanos greatest treasure, their home.

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