A movement against Plastic Pollution in Bohol. #plasticfreebohol #cleanbohol
This journey has been tough but a lot of people who are ready for change along the way. More Boholanos have joined and supported the movement.
“Be part of the solution, not the pollution.”
Help save lives by refusing single use of plastics and disposing trash properly. Plastic pollution may not directly affect us humans now, but it will in the future. And ocean plastic pollution is already killing hundreds of thousands of marine animals and millions of sea birds every year.
#plasticfreebohol #cleanbohol #bohol #moreoceanlessplastic
Take 3 pieces (or more) trash every day, and dispose them properly.
Beach clean up with the volunteers. Bringing of reusable water bottles (drinking water is provided and they're feel free to refill), reusable gloves, wearing hat and reef safe sunscreen.
Kids were provided reusable water bottle as the school prohibits single use of plastics and the school is not that close to their homes. Kids and parents are so happy.
Ukay-ukay fund raising. 100% of the fund goes to their educational program, Christmas party for the children at the relocation site in Tawala, Panglao and to their year-ender beach clean up / campaign materials expenses. To support this fund raising is either by donating of clothes / shoes / bags or buying ukay-ukay. This fund raising event is also a campaign against fast fashion.
Some friends and generous people donated money to buy presents, to make the children happy on their Christmas party.
Plastic free beach trip tip: Pack your “baon” in a reusable food container, use reusable cutlery from your kitchen and bring water in a reusable bottle.
Choose reusables, not disposables.
Here are some tips on how to travel sustainably.
Bring your own reusable bottle. Have them refilled in restaurants or water refilling machines. You can save a lot of money when you bring your own.
Clean as you go (CLAYGO). Leave nothing but footprints.
#take3forthesea. Pick up at least 3 pieces of trash instead of picking up seashells (they’re home to hermit crabs).
Say, “No straw please!”when you order a drink, or bring your own reusable straw.
Carry a reusable bag.
Do not pick up starfish for photo ops. They die few minutes after being taken out of the water.
Wear reef friendly sunscreen. Oxybenzone and other harmful chemicals can cause coral bleaching.
Do not support whale shark feeding and interaction.
Respect the locals.
Enjoy your stay but please do not destroy what you came to enjoy.
Contact Plastic Free Bohol:
Email: plasticfreebohol@gmail.com
Website: https://plasticfreebohol.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plasticfreebohol/
Instagram: @plasticfree_bohol
Join the movement against Plastic Pollution in Bohol - #plasticfreebohol #cleanbohol

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