RS Environment Consultancy Services

The environmental consultancy normally covers the assessment and evaluation of major aspects of environmental impacts to identify, predict, evaluate and mitigate the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of the property development proposal.

The service scope includes the assessment and evaluation of major aspects of environmental impacts including air quality, drainage impact, sewage impact, air ventilation, water quality, water supply, ecological impact, noise impact, odor impact, land contamination, waste management, landscape and visual impact, hazard assessment, and health impact assessment.

Mainly engaged by government authorities, property developers, architectural/engineering design firms, and contractors to provide services in relation to the compliance of the relevant statutory requirements and to prepare reports and assessments of the impact on the environment in respect of a potential development project.

3007D Colorado Homes Guiwanon, Baclayon
Contact Info:
(038) 412 5230

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